Solar awareness

From TSL Encyclopedia

Solar awareness, soul consciousness means awareness of time and space, the expansion of the awareness of the identity of your soul. The only way you can have that awareness is by having the vision of your immaculate conception through the vision of God.

It is by intense love that we surrender all that hinders this vision and this awareness. We have to give up our selfishness in order to have the vision. To expand the awareness of the soul we must have equal concern for other souls. It is a Holy Spirit experience because the soul must penetrate hallowed space, must penetrate time and space, to have solar consciousness.

It is the awareness of God in Matter. The seat-of-the-soul chakra is a Matter chakra. Christ consciousness is in the heart, which is a Spirit focus. God consciousness is in the crown, a Spirit focus.

Archangel Gabriel further explains the meaning of solar awareness:

Solar awareness is the soul’s awareness of self as the Sun of God.[1] Solar awareness is that consciousness that you put on and become as you merge with the true identity and the blueprint of your soul, that mother-of-pearl sphere of light.

To become aware of the Sun, to become aware of the essential light of the Sun—this is the requirement of the hour. In actuality the Sun is the soul of Helios and Vesta. And so you see what your soul can become—a flaming forcefield, a vortex of light nourishing billions of lifewaves.

See, then, that it is the soul that is the key in the Aquarian age through the flame of freedom locked in the heart of Saint Germain. It is soul freedom that is the result of solar awareness. Becoming aware of the self as the Sun, you then have at your command the fire of freedom for infinite creativity and the boundless, limitless flow of love and energy for the bringing forth and the enshrining of the culture of the Divine Mother. This is the promise of the Aquarian age. This is your opportunity to be free of the drudgery of the industrial age, the age of mechanization, the age of crude forms of energy that rob the earth of its balance.

That age will pass, and the age of the Sun[2] will dawn. And that age of the Sun will be when the soul of every man, every woman and every child communes daily with the sun in the heart, in the center of the earth and in the being of Helios and Vesta.[3]

See also



Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 28, 1976.

  1. The Sun in “self as the Sun” and “age of the Sun” could also mean Son.
  2. or Son
  3. Archangel Gabriel, “The Annunciation of the Soul’s Ascension,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 56, no. 21, November 1, 2013.